Don't Wait Any Longer, Contact An Assured Lending Mortgage Broker Now For A No Obligation Chat

Assured Lending are specialists in non-conforming loans. Get in touch with our team now for a no-obligation chat on your home loan options.
What does a non-conforming loan look like?
Non conforming home loans are for anyone who do not fit regular credit requirements such as length of time in employment, residential status, unusual or irregular income, self employed income with no current tax returns, credit file issues such as low credit scores, late repayments, defaults or bankruptcy. As standard credit requirements get tighter, getting a home loan for many people can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. We work with multiple lenders who offer a product called a non-conforming home loan, this is a loan that does not require the normal application criteria of a standard home loan. Non-conforming loans will have a higher interest rate than traditional home loans and may have higher fees and charges with less flexibility. Non-conforming loans allow you to get the home loan you require and provide an opportunity to re-establish your credit file, enabling you to transfer to a lower rate, traditional home loan down the track.
Don't fit standard lending criteria? We can help
  • We assist customers with unusual or irregular income, credit issues, short term employment, self employed with no current returns completed, non residents & more.
  • We specialise in home loans for people who do not meet standard lending criteria.
  • We can structure your application for the highest chance of success.
  • We have the experience to find a lender that will approve your loan.
  • We can assist you with improving your credit score & having defaults removed.
  • No set of circumstances is too difficult for us to work with.
  • We have been able to get loans approved for customers that have previously been declined going directly to lenders.
Get a free Credit Report
A credit report will allow you to check your credit history before applying for a loan. You can order a maximum of one free summarised credit file report per year from Equifax (fees apply to additional reports).  Equifax will send you a copy of your summarised credit report which usually takes up to ten days. If you are making an enquiry to have a loan application processed through Assured Lending, your broker will supply you with a free detailed credit report at no cost. This report includes declarations of bankruptcy, overdue and outstanding debts, the number of loan enquiries made in the last five years, credit account information, court judgements and court writs.
We can get your non-conforming home loan approved
No matter what your circumstances, we will find the right home loan for you from our range of Australia’s leading lenders. We will do all the research and then present you with all your options.
Step 01
Consultation request
Speak with one of our non-conforming mortgage brokers for a quick, obligation-free phone analysis of your situation. let's find the right solution for you.
Step 02
Credit improvement assessment
If you have credit issues, we assess your situation to determine if defaults can be removed, ensuring your financial profile is in top shape before your home loan application.
Step 03
Free loan comparison report
We liaise with our wide panel of lenders, who have flexible credit criteria, to find the most suitable loan options for your specific circumstances. We provide you with a loan comparison report and discuss the pros and cons of each option.
Step 04
Structured loan application
You can rely on our experience with complex home loans and lender relationships to structure your loan application and liaise with the lender on your behalf.
Step 05
Completing your loan
We will advise you as soon as the home loan application has been approved and assist you with completing your new loan documents.
Step 06
Ongoing support to get you back to a conforming loan
We set clear goals to get you back on track, enabling you to refinance to a lower rate conforming home loan as soon as possible.
Why Assured Lending for Non-Conforming Loans?
Non-Conforming Home Loans are a speciality of Assured Lending Mortgage Brokers. We have been successful in getting loans approved for clients who have previously been declined going through the banks or other, less experienced Brokers. Because of our experience with these types of loans and our relationship with the lenders who supply non-conforming home loans, we are able to structure your loan application with a higher chance of approval. We understand complex Non Conforming lending and what the requirements are to get a home loan approved under these circumstances so our success rate is extremely high. Call our office today and ask to speak to one of our Non-Conforming Mortgage Brokers to have a quick, obligation free, phone analysis of your situation.
No matter where in Australia your located, we'll find the right loan for you.
Get in touch with our team for a free 15-minute consultation call.
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